The Battle of Camden

The Battle of Camden doesn’t refer to a battle at Camden market in London; it actually refers to a battle in the American Revolutionary War between the British and Americans in north Camden, South Carolina. This battle happened on the 16th August in the year 1878. This battle pitched the commander Lord Charles Cornwallis on … Read more

Battle of Bunker Hill Summary

The Battle of Bunker Hill was a battle between the British and Americans during the American Revolutionary War on Breeds Hill in Charlestown, Massachusetts. This battle happened on the 17th June in the year 1775 so was very early on in this history changing conflict. Many may not know of The Battle of Bunker Hill, … Read more

The Opening Battle of the Revolution

“The British are coming!  The British are coming!” That cry that was immortalized as “The midnight ride of Paul Revere” comes form actual events from the battle of Lexington and Concord which might be viewed at the first open conflict between British and colonial forces that were leading up to a full scale revolutionary war. … Read more