Cathedrals in the Middle Ages

Cathedrals in the middle ages were typically large churches and were considered the center church of the bishop’s throne. In the medieval times, monumental cathedrals were built to symbolize of faith and a display of creativity within the middle ages society in Europe. History The laws of the Church established that the throne of a … Read more

Bishops in the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages was a time in the history of Europe when society was structured on well-defined classes. If you were born in one class of the society, you belonged to that class for your entire life with no chances of improving your status through hard work. The type of home you lived in, the … Read more

Government in the Middle Ages

Government in the Middle Ages – Feudalism The prevailing system of government in the Middle Ages was feudalism.  Though the actual term “feudalism” was not used during the Middle Ages, what we now recognize as a feudalist system of government was in control in Medieval Europe.  Feudalism was a way for the Kings and upper … Read more

Games in the Middle Ages

Like many aspects of medieval life, Middle ages games and entertainment depended greatly on social class.  Peasants are more likely to play games that require minimal equipment, but the wealthy are able to afford special pieces and components for more complex types of entertainment. Many people worked long hours so adults were not able to … Read more

Food & Diet in the Middle Ages

Food in the Middle Ages was expensive and hard to preserve.  Its preparation and preservation changed little over the time period (5th-16th centuries).  The early modern time period which proceeded was essential to European history.  This is when European diet and cooking began to change and shape what would make up the foundations for modern … Read more

Farming in the Middle Ages

Farming in the Middle Ages was done by peasants and serfs.  Peasant farmers made just enough money to live on while serfs had no rights and were all but slaves to the lords whose land they lived on.  Some serf farmers eventually earned rights in exchange for back-breaking work seven days a week and on-command … Read more

Famous People of the Middle Ages

Famous people from the middle ages range from kings and queens, artists and writers, lords and nobles, merchants and clergymen. Here are some of the most notable figures of the medieval times: Marco Polo Marco Polo was born in the year 1254 and died in 1324. It is not clear where he was born but … Read more

Europe in the Middle Ages

During antiquity the primary ruling body in Europe was the Roman Empire.  The reach of this Empire was enormous, and despite the problems associated with this rule, it served to unite almost the entire European continent.  After the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 CE, Europe settled into a long period new referred to … Read more

Education in the Middle Ages

At the end of the Roman Empire Era, most of the educational institutes of Romans ceased to offer their services. Gradually, Education was not the main concern anymore and fighting skills became more important. Most of the rulers and politicians of this historical time gained power either through wars or inheritance while education played a … Read more

Clothing in the Middle Ages

The clothing worn by men and women in the Middle Ages differed based on social standing, occupation, and climate.  In general, medieval clothing was practical above all else, particularly for the peasants and lower classes.  The nobility and clergy were able to experiment more with luxurious fabrics and decorations, but practicality was still a significant … Read more