Andrew Warren was a CIA operative for many years, but it is not for this reason that you may have heard of him. In fact while Andrew Warren was a CIA operative previously it is his criminal exploits that many know him for in the present day.
In 2009 Andrew Warren was indicted for serious crimes while in Africa, but while many know of these heinous crimes not many know of the history behind this man of mystery. Today you will find out more about Andrew Warren, the man, the CIA operative and the criminal.
Andrew Warren the Man
Warren was born in 1968 and is an African American who stands at 6 feet 4 inches tall. Warren has an interest in Middle East history as well as being a disciplined martial artist. Prior to joining the CIA Warren attended the Norfolk State University where he graduated in 1993 with a Bachelor of Arts.
Interestingly Warren is also a Muslim convert who can speak Persian and up to six different dialects of the Arabic language.
Warren is also an author and has penned novels.
Andrew Warren in the CIA
Warren joined the CIA after graduating university, after joining the CIA Warren proved to be a great asset and he quickly rose through the ranks to a high level, many believed this was in part because of his strong knowledge of the Middle East and his language skills.
By the time 2007 came round Warren was stationed in the CIA office in Algeria and because of his high position within the CIA he was residing in a 30 room mansion. But it was here that his CIA crashed because of awful criminal activities.
Andrew Warren the Criminal
In the autumn months of 2008 two Algerian women separately contacted the U.S Embassy in Algeria and told their story of how Warren had drugged them and raped them while they were passed out. The stories were so similar and believable that the CIA recalled him back to the United States within weeks.
Warren dismissed the stories and said the women had agreed to have sex, but upon searching the government run mansion he was living in they found many pieces of evidence proving the stories to be real. The evidence included drugs and written material on drugging and rape.
In February 2009 Warren changed his story and admitted that he did rape one of the women. In June the same year he was indicted for sexual assault and arrested in April the next year. At the time of arrest Warren was also in the possession of a gun and drugs which further compounded his arrest.
In June 2010 Warren admitted charges of rape, cocaine use and having a firearm. The judge in the case sentenced Warren in 2011 to five year and four months plus an extra two years. The additional two years were added as it is believed that Warren thought he would get away with the crimes on diplomatic immunity and for the fact that both women were Muslim so would be reluctant to openly admit the crimes.