Allan Pinkerton

Allan Pinkerton was a Scottish American who made history in the United States on two fronts. The first being he created the very first detective agency in the United States, but more importantly Allan Pinkerton was also the very first leader of the Union Intelligence Service which is seen as the father of the U.S … Read more

Ali Mohamed

Ali Mohamed is another of the great unknown spies that worked for the CIA after World War Two. The difference between Ali Mohamed and others though, is that he was a double agent working on both sides and in recent times. While double agents were well known to occur during the war years and the … Read more

Aldrich Ames

Aldrich Ames is a man who many will know of in the present day. The reason why Aldrich Ames is so famous is because he was a CIA agent who was spying on America for Russia and the Soviet Union for many years while working for the CIA. In the mid 1990’s a huge media … Read more

The Lebanese Civil War

The Lebanese civil war is a civil war that lastest for 15 years, a war that occurred in more recent times yet many have not understood or paid attention to the consequences of this internal conflict. This civil war was of epic proportions and actually had outside influences that impacted the conflict starting. The outcome … Read more

The Iranian Revolution of 1979

The Iranian Revolution occurred between January 1978 and February 1979, the outcome of this revolution changed the shape of Iran as a nation forever. This revolution also ended Britain and the Soviet Union’s strong interests in the country as Iran tried to gain its own independence away from foreign powers. The Iranian Revolution is a … Read more

The Yom Kippur War

The Yom Kippur War was a war that occurred between Israel and a coalition of Arab nations, the war is sometimes known as the Ramadan War or October War. The Yom Kippur War lasted for 19 days, starting on the 6th October 1973 and finishing on October 25th of the same year. The war was … Read more

The War of Attrition

Many think of War of Attrition as more of a war policy, like that of the French in the World Wars were they simply wished to kill more Germans than losses incurred themselves to thus win the war. This is not actually the case as it was a war between Israel and Egypt in the … Read more

Benedict Arnold

Benedict ArnoldBenedict Arnold was a General during the American Revolutionary War who found fame, but for some these reasons are not popular. As you read on you will find out the story behind this complex and interesting man who played an important role during the American Revolutionary War for both sides.

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Battle of The Red Cliff

Nearly two thousand years ago a huge battle occurred in the province of Hubei, Central China. This battle was a huge affair that you could say helped change the face of northern China for ever. While there is a lot of information about the Battle of Red Cliffs, there is still much we don’t know, … Read more

The American Civil War

The American Civil War started on April 12th in the year 1861 and last until April 9th in the year 1865, although the last shot of anger actually occurred in June of 1865. You could say the American Civil War was a war of north versus south and a war born out of abolition of … Read more