David Owen Dodd

The story of David Owen Dodd is one that many find sad, the reason is that he was simply a young man on a journey and took the wrong turn on his way home during the American Civil War. Unfortunately for David Owen Dodd this wrong turn was going to cost him dearly as he … Read more

David Atlee Phillips

David Atlee Phillips can be seen as a very respectful and important man in the espionage and intelligence world. What sets David Atlee Phillips apart from other intelligence operatives is the length of service he conducted in the intelligence world and the work he completed while doing so. Phillips worked for the CIA; in fact … Read more

Belle Boyd

Belle Boyd is the little known lady who made a big impact on the American Civil War. Rather than being out there for all to see, Belle Boyd was a spy for the Confederates. This unassuming lady was in the inner circle of Confederate General Stonewall Jackson and regularly updated him with important information she … Read more

The Battle of Zama

On October 19th in the year 202 BC a big battle commenced that finished a great war. The battle in question is the Battle of Zama and the war that finished because of the outcome of this battle is the Second Punic War. The Second Punic War was a battle between the Roman Republic and … Read more

The Battle of Saratoga

The Battle of Saratoga was one of the most pivotal moments in the American Revolutionary War. While other battles were decisive in the short term, this battle is actually seen as a turning point in the war itself. This battle happened on the 19th September 1777 and the 7th October 1777. This may sound strange … Read more

The Battle of Salamis

After the combined Greek land forces were beaten in the Battle of Thermopylae and the Greek Navy lost ships at the Battle of Artemisiumthe another battle loomed. This battle was the Battle of Salamis, a battle that took politics to conjure up support for and was pivotal in the changes of fortunes for one side … Read more

The Battle of Marathon

The Persians and the Greeks of ancient times have fought many huge and well known battles such as those at Thermopylae and Salamis, but one of the most famous is the Battle of Marathon. The Battle of Marathon is one of the many battles that Persians and Greeks fought against one another; it was also … Read more

The Battle of Kadesh

The Battle of Kadesh is a battle that occurred nearly three thousand years ago and helped shape the strategic position of the Hittite Empire. The Battle of Kadesh was fought around 1274 BC between the two leading empires of the age, these being the Egyptian Empire of North Eastern Africa and the Hittite Empire to … Read more

The Battle of Issus

Back in the year of 333 BC a battle of large proportions occurred between two foe who would be at war for many centuries on and off, these were the Greeks and the Persians. Effectively this battle was between Alexander III of Macedonia and his Greek army and the Achaemenid Empire of Persia. The Battle … Read more

The Battle of Gaugamela

The Battle of Gaugamela is one of the lesser known battles between two famous leaders and Empires of ancient times. The Battle of Gaugamela occurred on the 1st October 331 BC and was a battle between Alexander the Great of Greece and Darius III of Persia. Interestingly many people don’t know of the Battle of … Read more