Timeline of the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages is referred to the period of European history which marks the fall of Western Roman Empire in the 5th Century and the beginning of the Renaissance or the Age of Discovery in the 15th Century. The Middle Ages saw a lot of ups and downs in the politics of the continent as … Read more

War in the Middle Ages

Major Wars of the Middle Ages and tactics used The Middle Ages are marked as the period between the collapse of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Renaissance period. Although there is a lack of unanimity with regard to the exact timeframe of the middle Ages, it is generally agreed that the period … Read more

Monasteries in the Middle Ages

Benedictine laws created in 529 AD by St. Benedictine governed monasteries in the middle ages. The middle ages also saw the establishment of various monk orders with the main ones being Carthusians, Benedictines and Cistercians. The orders differed based on how they observed their religious rituals and the strictness with which they implemented their laws … Read more

Money in the Middle Ages

People of ancient times used to exchange products for trades and this system was known as the barter system. There are evidences of barter system since 9000 BC. However, as the trade and business began to increase, ancient people started using Cowrie and Cowry Shells as a means of exchange. Yet, barter system still was … Read more

Musical Instruments in the Middle Ages

Music has been a large component of human social interactions, personal expression, and culture throughout recorded history. While many consider the Middle Ages a time of hard work, famine, disease such as the Black Plague, and warfare, music was as alive and important during this period of history as any other. In some cases, music … Read more

Names from the Middle Ages

Medieval names are often derived from biblical texts and saint names as a reflection of the importance of religion in the Middle Ages.  Vernacular languages were spoken throughout Europe, and names with similar roots often take different spellings in different regions. Medieval townspeople Female Middle Ages Names Male Middle Ages Names Middle Ages Surnames Medieval … Read more

Nobles in the Middle Ages

Life in the Middle Ages was rather strictly centered around something of a caste system. A clear hierarchy existed, a pyramid of sorts with royalty at the top and peasants, comprising the bulk of the population, at the bottom. Between the peasants and royalty, however, were well-regarded, privileged and elite families known as nobles or … Read more

Peasants In The Middle Ages

Peasants in the middle ages were mainly agricultural farmers who worked in lands that were owned by a lord. The lord would rent out his land to the peasants in exchange for economic labor. Peasants were tied to the land and were not allowed to move away from the land or change their profession unless … Read more

Popes in the Middle Ages

Popes in the Middle Ages became central figures of power and influence. During this time many people from all walks of life flocked to the Holy Land to see the pope. The overly aggressive religious fanaticism of the popes and the promise of redemption of sin made the popes and the crusades popular. In effect … Read more

Priests in the Middle Ages

In the middle ages, the clergy and the Church in general were very influential. The kings and local lords appointed members of the clergy including the bishops and priests, and in return, the clergy would play a great role in establishing the rules of the land. Nevertheless, priests in the middle Ages were not as … Read more